T.A. Narrative Explores Betrayal in Their Poppiest Track Yet



T.A. Narrative Explores Betrayal in Their Poppiest Track Yet

In this exclusive interview, we chat with T.A. Narrative, an electro-pop duo hailing from Limerick, Ireland. Consisting of childhood friends Tara Nix and Anna Murphy, T.A. combines autobiographical storytelling with unique sounds to create deeply resonant music. The pair reconnected musically during lockdown and have been consistently releasing new music for the past four years. With their new single “Caught Out,” the duo brings fresh energy, described as their poppiest track yet, exploring themes of betrayal by lovers. As they prepare to release their new EP, T.A. Narrative shares insights into their creative process and the personal and societal themes that inspire their music.

Keep reading to dive into their journey, the evolution from “Retro Futurism,” and the messages they hope to convey through their art.


How would you define your music?

To us it’s a series of mostly auto-biographical stories blended with noises and sounds we like. And hooks galore! We’re whores for a hook. 

What inspired you to form a duo and pursue a career in music together?

Mainly delusion! We have been best friends since childhood, our common interest has always been music so we have been writing together and playing in bands for a long time. Neither of us had released anything for over 10 years before T.A.,  and lockdown spurned us to get back together and collaborate.


Can you tell us about your new single “Caught Out?

It was written super quickly. It’s without a doubt the poppiest track we’ve ever written. It took us a little by surprise if we’re honest

What is the meaning behind this song?

It’s mainly about being burnt alive be it by a lover, our governments, or society as a whole. The toxic effects in the aftermath are palpable. It’s a fairly universal theme to be fair.


“Caught Out” marks the first single from your upcoming EP. Can you give us a sneak peek into the themes or stories behind the songs on this project?

We write about what we know. And we write about what might be happening in our lives or observing others. It’s seems we’re in a suspended state of adversity as a global community right now and have been for some time and so the EP leans into these aspects.

How does this EP differ from your previous work, “Retro Futurism”? 

I would say on this EP we’re writing like we’ve never written before, don’t get me wrong we’re not reinventing the wheel just our style seems different and so that’s always going to be exciting and enjoyable for us.


What is a message you would like to give through your music and why?

Try not to take all this music stuff too seriously. But do have an opinion and don’t fear expressing it combine that with some careless abandon. Enjoying what you’re creating always shines through. And don’t be a gowl

Write here something you want to let people know.

 None of us are free until Palestine is free. Free Palestine and don’t be gaslit by western imperial governments.

Listen to T.A. Narrative’s new single “ Caught Out” on our Spotify playlist:


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